Suo Moto Disclosure
Updated as on 27.01.2025
Government of India
Ministry of Law & Justice
Department of Legal Affairs
- Particulars of its organisation, functions and duties.
Name of organization: Law Commission of India, D/o Legal Affairs, Ministry of Law & Justice
Address : 2nd & 4th Floor, B-Wing, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi
Head of Organization: Member Secretary, Law Commission of India
- Vision
Reforming the laws for maximizing justice in society and promoting good governance under the rule of law.
- Mission
The Terms of Reference of the Law Commission, inter alia, includes review/repeal of obsolete laws, to examine the Laws which affect the poor and carry out post-audit for social-economic legislations, to keep under review the system of judicial administration to ensure that it is responsive to the reasonable demands of the times and in particular to secure elimination of delays in cases/and simplification of procedure to reduce and eliminate technicalities, to examine the existing laws in the light of Directive Principles of State Policy and to suggest ways of improvement and reform and also to suggest such legislations as might be necessary to implement the Directive Principles and to attain the objectives set out in the Preamble to the Constitution, Examine the existing laws with a view for promoting gender equality and suggesting amendments thereto, to revise the Central Acts of general importance so as to simp-lify them and to remove anomalies, ambiguities and inequities, to examine the impact of globalization on food security, unemployment and recommend measures for the protection of the interests of the marginalized, etc.
- Key Objectives
Revising and updating of the inherited laws, repealing of the outdated laws and recommendations to enact new laws to serve the changing needs of the country with the legal framework fir for 21st century.
- Functions & Duties
While discharging its functions in accordance with the Terms of Reference, the Commission is presently assisted by one Joint Secretary & Law Officer and one Deputy Law Officer. The Secretariat staff, looking after the administrative side of the Commission’s operations, presently consists of one Deputy Secretary, One Section Officer and Two Assistant Section Officers. The stenographic assistance to the Commission and its officers is provided by officers of different levels. In addition there are Four Staff Car Drivers and sixteen MTS.
- Organization Chart / Miscellaneous details of Commission
In independent India the First Law Commission was established in 1955, with the then Attorney General of India, Mr. M.C. Setalvad as its Chairman.Since then, twenty one more Law Commissions have been constituted, each with a three-year term and with certain terms of reference. The names of Chairmen who presided over these Commissions are given below:
Law Commission | Year | Name of the Chairman |
Second Law Commission | 1958-61 | Mr. Justice T. L. Venkatarama Aiyar. |
Third Law Commission | 1961-64 | Mr. Justice J. L. Kapur |
Fourth Law Commission | 1964-68 | Mr. Justice J. L. Kapur |
Fifth Law Commission | 1968-71 | Mr. K. V. K. Sundaram, I. C. S. |
Sixth Law Commission | 1971-74 | Mr. Justice Dr. P. B. Gajendragadkar |
Seventh Law Commission | 1974-77 | Mr. Justice Dr. P. B. Gajendragadkar |
Eighth Law Commission | 1977-79 | Mr. Justice H. R. Khanna |
Ninth Law Commission | 1979-80 | Mr. Justice P. V. Dixit |
Tenth Law Commission | 1981-85 | Mr. Justice K. K. Mathew |
Eleventh Law Commission | 1985-88 | Mr. Justice D. A. Desai |
Twelfth Law Commission | 1988-91 | Mr. Justice M. P. Thakkar |
Thirteenth Law Commission | 1991-94 | Mr. Justice K. N. Singh |
Fourteenth Law Commission | 1995-97 | Mr. Justice K Jayachandra Reddy |
Fifteenth Law Commission | 1997-2000 | Mr. Justice B. P. Jeevan Reddy |
Sixteenth Law Commission | 2000-2001 2002-2003 |
Mr. Justice B. P. Jeevan ReddyMr. Justice M. Jagannadha Rao |
Seventeenth Law Commission | 2003-2006 | Mr. Justice M. Jagannadha Rao |
Eighteenth Law Commission | 2006-2009 | Dr. Justice. AR. Lakshmanan |
Nineteenth Law Commission | 2009-2012 | Mr. Justice P.V. Reddi |
Twentieth Law Commission | 2012-2013
2013-2015 |
Mr. Justice D.K. Jain Mr. Justice A.P.Shah |
Twenty First Law Commission | 2015-2018 | Dr. Justice B.S. Chauhan |
Twenty Second Law Commission | 2020-2024 | Mr. Justice Ritu Raj Awasthi
(upto March, 2024) |
The Twenty Second Law Commission has been notified with effect from 21st February, 2020 for a term of 3 years & has been extended till 31.08.2024.
- The Powers and duties of its officers and employees
While discharging its functions in accordance with the Terms of Reference, the Commission is presently assisted by Addl. Secretary (Addition charge), One Additional Law Officer and one Deputy Law Officer. The Secretariat staff, looking after the administrative side of the Commission’s operations, presently consists of one Deputy Secretary and three Assistant Section Officers. The stenographic assistance to the Commission and its officers is provided by officers of different levels. In addition there are Four Staff Car Drivers and Twenty One MTS.
- The norms set by it for the discharge of its functions.
The Law Commission of India functions within its terms of reference as enumerated above. In so far as the administration side of the Commission’s operations is concerned, it functions in accordance with the various Central Civil Services Rules and other Rules applicable to the Central Government employees. It is also guided by various manuals/circulars etc. issued by various Ministries/Departments of the Government of India.
- The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records held by it and are under its control as used by its employees for discharging its functions:
In the discharge of its functions, the Law Commission of India uses for research purposes various Central and State Acts, Rules, Codes, Rules Regulations, etc. It also uses various judgements of the Supreme Court of India and of High Courts. Laws of other countries, Judgements of foreign courts and International Courts are also used. Various Reports of Commissions, Committees etc, are also considered.In so far as the administrative side of the Commission is concerned, it uses the following Rules in the discharge of its functions:-
- Staff Car Rules
- Medical Attendance Rules
- CCS(CCA) Rules
- CCS (Conduct) Rules
- General Provident Fund Rules
- Leave Travel Concession Rules
- General Financial Rules
- Delegation of Financial Power Rules
- House Building Advance Rules
- CCS(Revised Pay) Rules
- Central Treasury Rules
In addition various Manuals/Circulars etc issued by various Ministries/Departments of the Govt. of India, are also referred.
- No internal transfer takes place in the Law Commission.
A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it and are under its control :
The Law Commission of India holds the following documents:-- Copies of Reports released by it
- Parliament Questions related to Law Commission sent by Deptt. of Legal Affairs, Min. of Law & Justice and other Ministeries.
- Correspondence with Ministries/Other Organisations, Departments, State Governments and letters/E-mails from individuals seeking information etc.
- A statement of the Committees consisting of two or more persons constituted for its administrative purposes.
The Chairman, Law Commission of India, convenes internal meetings of the Commission from time to time where the Member Secretary, Members and Law Officers of the Commission are present. Such meetings being internal in nature are not open to public.
A directory of officers and employee’s
Name Designation Telephone Number(Office) Dr. Reeta Vasishta Member Secretary 24654954 Mrs. Varsha Chandra Sinha JS&LO 24635735,24654940 Shri Raja Kar Deputy Secretary 24654939 Shri Atul Kumar Gupta Deputy Law Officer 24616748,24654938 Shri Neeraj Sagar Principal Secretary Officer 24654954 Shri Naresh Chhibber Principal Secretary Officer 24654951 Smt. Poonam Bajaj Principal Private Secy. 24654955 Smt. Dimple Kapoor Principal Private Secy. 24654936 Smt. Suman Lata Bhatia Principal Private Secy. 24635736 Shri Jatin Kumar Section Officer 24654936 Smt. Nema Kanth Assistant Section Officer 24654936 Shri Arun Kumar Assistant Section Officer 24654936 ALIO (Consultant) Assistant Library
Information Officer23072174 Shri Manohar Lal Staff Car Driver 24654936 Shri Diwakar Prasad Staff Car Driver 24654936 Shri Surbir Singh Bartwal Staff Car Driver 24654936 Shri Kamal Staff Car Driver 24654936 Shri Prakash Verma Staff Car Driver 24654936 Shri Naveen Kumar MTS 24654936 Shri Sher Singh MTS 24654936 Shri Sunil Kumar MTS 24654936 Shri Sanjay Kumar MTS 24654936 Shri Atram Singh MTS 24654936 Shri Yogender Kumar Baitha MTS 24654936 Shri Ravinder Singh MTS 24654936 Shri Prem Joshi MTS 24654936 Shri Surender Singh MTS 24654936 Shri Satyabir Singh MTS 24654936 Shri Mishri Lal Baitha MTS 24654936 Shri Dharam Pal Negi MTS 24654936 Shri Ramesh Singh MTS 24654936 Shri Sunny MTS 24654936 Shri Kalu Ram Meena MTS 24654936 Shri Sahil Kumar MTS 24654936 The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, indicating the system of compensation as provided in its regulation :
The detail of scale of pay of the officers and employees of the Law Commission of India and their Basic Pay are as per CCS revised pay rules 2016 as amended from time to time. They also receive allowances and other perquisites/benefits as admissible to Central Govt. Employees. In case the Chairman/Member, Law Commission of India is not a serving Judge of the Supreme Court of India/High Court, he will be entitled to allowances and other terms and conditions as are admissible to an officer of the Central Government getting equal pay.
The monthly remuneration of the employees at Law Commission of India
The name, designations and other particulars of the Appellate Authority
The particulars of the Appellate Authority designated by the Law Commission of India, is given below:
Name: Smt. Varsha Chandra Sinha
Designation: Joint Secretary & Law Officer
Office Address: Law Commission of India
Room No.228
2nd Floor, B-Wing, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan
Market, New Delhi – 110003.
Tel No. (Office) . 24635735, 24654940.The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Grievance Officer
The particulars of the Public Grievance Officer designated by the Law Commission of India are given below:
Name: Smt. Varsha Chandra Sinha
Designation: Joint Secretary & Law Officer
Office Address: Law Commission of India
Room No.228
2nd Floor, B-Wing, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi – 110003.
Tel No. (Office) . 24635735, 24654940.Number of employees against whom disciplinary actions have been taken at Law Commission of India – 02
The budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursement made
The budget allocated to the Law Commission of India for the Financial Year 2024-25 is Rs.13,80,00,000/-.The entire amount is “non-plan” and is meant to incur expenses on account of salary, wages, medical treatment, domestic and foreign official travel, office expenses etc. No budgetary allocation is made under “plan”, for the Commission.Foreign and Domestic tours of official of the rank of Joint Secretary and above
The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiary of such programmes :
No subsidy programmes are executed by the Law Commission of India and no amount is allocated to it for the purpose.No discretionary/Non-discretionary grants are provided by Law Commission of India to State Government(s) / NGOs / Other institutions.
Particulars of concessions, permits or authorization granted by it :
No concessions, permits or authorization are granted by the Law Commission of India.The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof:
The working papers/consultation papers outlining the problems/issues under consideration of the Law Commission of India and suggesting matters deserving reforms, are sent out for circulation among the public and interested groups like Judges of the Supreme Court, High Courts and Lower Courts, Bar Associations, State Govts’ law enforcement agencies, media persons, NGOs and all stakeholders with a view to eliciting reactions and suggestions. Professional bodies and academic institutions are involved in the consultation process. Seminars/Workshops/Conference are also organized to elicit critical opinion on proposed strategies for reform based on the Working Papers/Consultation Papers.Various orders for the committees to be hyperlinked.
Details in respect of the information available to or held by it, reduced in on electronic form:
All Law Commission reports are available on the web-site in bilingual formatThe particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use.
The citizens can obtain information from the Law Commission of India through correspondence, accessing its web-site and through e-mail. The library of the Law Commission is not meant for public use.
Details of faculty (R&I Section):
Name: Shri Surender Singh
Designation: MTS
Tel No. (Office) 24654936
Office Address: 223, 2nd Floor, B-Wing, Lok Nayak Bhawan
Working hours of the facility – 09:00 Hrs to 17:30 HrsSuch other information as may be prescribed:
The Law Commission of India is engaged in research and recommends legal reforms. It is a pro-active organisation drawing upon the legal developments in India and abroad and endeavors to keep the Indian legal system always responsive to the changing socio-economic needs of a developing society.Receipt and Disposal of RTI applications and appeals
Replies to questions asked in Parliament
The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers
The particulars of the Public Information Officer designated by the Law Commission of India are given below:(i). Name: Shri Atul Kumar Gupta
Designation: Deputy Law Officer
Office Address: Law Commission of India
Room No. 231-E
2nd Floor, B-Wing, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi – 110003.
Tel No. (Office) 24616748, 24654938.
(ii). Name: Shri Raja Kar
Designation: Deputy Secretary
Office Address: Law Commission of India
Room No. 231 D
2nd Floor, B-Wing, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi – 110003.
Tel No. (Office) .24654939. -
Information disclosed on own initiative
The administrative side of the Commission maintains files relating to the following:- Appointments
- Personal files and service book (including leave account) of its employees
- Court related litigation files
- Training
- Continuation of temporary posts
- Conferences / Seminars in India and abroad
- Staff Cars
- Purchase and maintenance of air-conditioners, room coolers, heaters, photo copiers, vacuum cleaners, computers, printers, UPS etc
- Electricity and Water bills
- CPWD complaints
- Dry cleaning and washing
- Engagement of casual labour
- Circulars
- Republic Day & Independence Day Celebration
- Library matters
- Purchase and distribution of stationery items
- Purchase and distribution of uniforms
- Maintenance of Annual Confidence Reports
- Other Miscellaneous matters
Details of Nodal Officer
Name: Smt. Varsha Chandra Sinha
Designation: Joint Secretary & Law Officer
Office Address: Law Commission of India
Room No.228
2nd Floor, B-Wing, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi – 110003.
Tel No. (Office) . 24635735, 24654940.
The procedure followed in the decision-making process, including channel of supervision and accountability:
The commission works on projects based on the reference received from the Central Government and / or from the Supreme Courts and the High Courts. At times, keeping in view the importance of the subject matter, the Commission initiates study on specific subject Suo Moto, as per its terms and reference. The projects undertaken by the Commission are initiated in the Commission’s meetings which take place frequently. Priorities are discussed, topics are identified and preparatory work is assigned to each member of the Commission. Depending upon the nature and scope of the topic, different methodologies for collection of data and research are adopted keeping the scope of the proposal and reform in mind. The Law Commission has always been anxious to ensure that the widest section of people is consulted in formulating proposals for law reforms. In this process, professional bodies and academic institutions are consulted. Seminars and workshops are organized to elicit critical opinion on proposed strategies for reform. Usually a carefully prepared questionnaire is also placed on the website. Discussion at Commission meetings during this period helps not only in articulating the issues and focusing the research, but also evolving a consensus among Members of the Commission. What emerges out of this preparatory work in the Commission is usually a working paper outlining the problem and suggesting matters deserving reform. The paper is then sent to all members with a view to eliciting suggestions. Widest consultations with stakeholders are taken on priority.
Once the data and views/suggestions are assimilated, the Commission evaluates them and the information is utilized for appropriate incorporation in the report which is written under the guidance of the Hon’ble Chairman, Members and Member Secretary of the Commission. It is then subjected to close scrutiny by the full Commission in meeting. Once the Report and summary are finalized, the Commission may decide to prepare a draft amendment or a new Bill which may be appended to its report. Thereafter, the final report is submitted to the Central Government for consideration.
It is obvious that the success of the Commissions work in law reforms is dependent upon its capacity to consult widest section of the people/stakeholders and collecting data, views/suggestions and possible inputs from the public and concerned interest groups. The Commission is constantly on the lookout for strategies to accomplish this goal within the limited resources available to it.
The Commission always welcomes suggestions from any person, institution or organization on the issues under consideration.
Since the establishment of the First Law Commission, 289 Reports on various issues have been submitted so far.